Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sick Body, Healthy Ego

The other night, while toweling Maggie off after her shower, I was telling her about the friend of a friend who is a survivor of ALL.

"What's ALL?" she asked.

"It's an acronym for the long name of your leukemia: Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaAcute is A.  Lymphoblastic is L.  Leukemia is L again.  A-L-L."

"I get it!"  she brightened.  As I began to revel in the intelligence and maturity of my six year-old, she continued, "Acute!  A-CUUUUUUUUUUUTE!  Like me!  Or a puppy!"  And she flashed me a movie star smile.

That's us.  Rainbow ponies up the ying-yang.

Maggie goofing around with the photo booth feature on the computer.

1 comment:

Deacon James Conklin said...

We have an RN at work who was the charge nurse on our acute unit. (You can see where this is going). Until we got serious about phone protocol he would answer "Acute, Jeff" which sounded like "A cute Jeff."

Funny guy. And a fine preacher, actually.