Monday, July 18, 2011

Home (Provisionally)

In a leap of faith, Dr. V~ sent us home with directions for Maggie to eat, drink and play as much as she can manage. He wants us back to the clinic first thing Wednesday morning for blood levels and a nutrition and hydration check-in. We are to call if the fever returns. Maggie tucked into her favorite alfredo, peas and tiny cupcakes. She did this after days of being treated like Cleopatra and being offered whatever Sysco or Colley Avenue had to offer. She ate very little.

Maggie's Favorite Meal (Creamy Mac-Chee)
Takes about 20 minutes
(Serves 8 with leftovers)

4 tablespoons butter (unsalted tastes better)
4 tablespoons of flour
4 cups milk, half & half or cream (Fatter = more delicious)
1 smashed clove of garlic
2+ cups of finely shredded parmesan reggiano (The cheaper stuff has fillers that will make your sauce gritty)
Salt & pepper to taste
Two lbs of fresh or dried pasta cooked al dente

Melt the butter over medium low heat. Add the smashed garlic clove. Warm the milk/half & half/cream in the microwave. When the butter is melted and hot, whisk the flour in and let foam for a minute or two. Take a slurp of mojito. When the butter and flour mixture smells toasted and awesome, whisk in the warm milk. Most recipes will suggest you whisk constantly, but those cooks are just superstitious or have only one kid. Whisk now and then. As it comes to a simmer the sauce will thicken. Add your cheese and whisk until smooth. Let simmer a few minutes to thicken. Taste and fix with salt & pepper. At this point you will have timed your pasta to just finish cooking. Drain it and add it to the sauce. Stir the sauce & pasta together and serve with a side veg. Maggie prefers corn, but will eat peas very slowly in hopes a small emergency will happen to allow her to leave the table and run outside.

Thank you for your prayers and support. This would be much more difficult without you.

My little prayer: When I take joy in creating for people I love, I get a small taste of Your joy at creating for us. Watching my child happy and sustained by my creation is my model for enjoying Your creation. Thank you, Father. 


Elizabeth said...

Hold the peas, hand over the mojito please. Glad she's home, even provisionally.

Theresa Koressel (Bui) said...

Hi Maggie. My name is Kiara. I don't know if you remember me. We use to play together in church when we were little. My mom's name is Theresa and my grandmother's name is Annie Bui. My grandmother told me that you were not feeling well. I wanted to say 'hi' and that I am praying for you here in Louisiana.

**Hi Kate. Hi James. My mother told me about Maggie and I found your blog through Amber Ryalls. Thoughts and prayer are with you and your family. I remember the times in church when our daughters would play together. Thank you for creating this blog to keep everyone tough with Maggie's progress. ~Theresa K.**

Don said...

I couldn't be happier that she's home. A small prayer answered.

Jackie said...

Yea for cupcakes, Maggie! Glad you are home to have some. Love you!

Unknown said...

Does one just assume that the one slurp on Mojito was enough and you finished the glass? You guys are too funny.

Casey (the nursing student) said...

I'm so glad Maggie got to go home! I will miss her hugs and her smiling face at CHKD. You guys are such an inspiration - I will try to keep up with Maggie and her courageous fight. You guys are in my prayers. YOU ROCK MAGGIE!!

Tiffany said...

We're so glad that Maggie is home and your family is all together in one place again. Everyone heals better at home.
Sending prayers all the way from Lafayette, California for you all.
The cupcakes are too cute and the mac and cheese recipe sounds delish- especially the mojito part (very important).
Hickok- Jefferson Family

Carrie said...

So glad Maggie is home at last after such a frightening ordeal. You all hold together so well!I will continue to pray that she stays well and fattens up a bit. God bless you Conklins!

BTW,this is the best Mac and Cheese in the world! Got to taste it once 11 years or so ago and it's never left my mind. I seem to remember a very light dusting of Old Bay at finale. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news for Maggie and the family !!1 So happy that she is able to eat/drink and play until her hearts content.

Eat up Maggie. I happen to love mac-cheese too !

God bless you guys :)