Our girl is improving, albeit slowly. Her blood numbers have been low and pretty unstable. She received platelets and red blood cells last night, in addition to intravenous immunoglobulin to try and remedy low antibodies. Did you know that immunoglobulin is the pooled antibodies extracted from the plasma of over 1000 blood donors? Kinda blows your mind. (Reminds me of the Communion of Saints - james)
While she continues to receive intravenous nutrition, her appetite is returning. Initially eating was quite difficult, as her stomach and mouth were still too irritated to tolerate anything solid. When I visited on Sunday, we watched some cartoons together. One of the characters mentioned many of her favorite foods - each time she broke into tears over her inability to eat. I don't know who the writers of Adventure Time are, but they know their demographic pretty darn well.
She continues to run a low-grade fever.
She and Gus take a daily turn around the unit, a walk that leaves her exhausted.
Her sunny disposition is returning, she has smiles for us and is even joking around a little bit.
Coloring with her night nurse |
We're hoping that she'll be able to return home this weekend. My mom arrived this afternoon, so I'll be freed up to spend some more time down in Norfolk. Gus has been at her side since admission, sleeping on a window bench and leaving only to find the sketchiest places in town to eat. He texted, "Word to the Wise: don't keep eating the meatball to ID the ingredient that tastes off." Sage advice, methinks.
Again, we are so touched by your continued concern for our sweet girl. It probably goes without saying, but keep those prayers coming!
Warming up after bathtime |
I don't know Maggie, nor does Maggie know me, but I love this beautiful, strong, courageous little girl. She is precious in GOD's eyes and the eyes of many people who love her. I pray for Maggie every day and hope that she will continue to get better as each day passes by. She has truly touched my heart. SMILE Maggie, GOD loves you and so do I :)
I love you Maggie, and the full Conklin entourage. Sending you prayers, special delivery from Vermont and covered in Maple Syrup. xo Colleen
I am so happy to read this update of some improvement. My love and prayers for all of you.
Prayers, prayers, and even more prayers continue your way. Please give a kiss to Mary Margaret from Mary Margaret!
God bless you, little Maggie, and may He continue to keep His loving arms lifting you up toward complete healing. The Hoovers send all of their love and prayers your way.
We are praying continuously for Maggie's recovery from this bout. So glad to see a smile :) can't wait til she can come home.
James, I am glad to see some progress, I give the Glory to God, he gives the physicans what they need (knowledge & skill). I will continue to pray for your precious little girl and so will my church family. Also added her to my Aunts prayer group(she is a wonderful prayer warrior). We love you little Maggie and so does Jesus, keep fighting baby girl you're doing a great job!
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