We heard a rumor that we should perhaps expect a special visit at home this evening. Sure enough, I had just returned from Adoration and was supervising three year-old Pete playing
Bath Time Dinosaur (Leopluradon Edition) when I heard the rumble of diesels out front. Kate hurried Pete into his jammies as we scrambled to the porch to find three fire trucks and two ambulances from the West Point Volunteer Fire Department parked out front with lights blazing.

Off the ladder truck hopped Santa himself with two elves and a half dozen firefighters. They all strode decisively toward the porch, hands full of bags and boxes. Before Santa could reach the porch, Pete began to yell 2" from my ear, "Santa, SANTA I WANTA CROCODILE IN A SWAMP FOR CHRISTMAAAAAS! CROCODILE IN A SWAAAaaAAAMP! ChristMAAAAssssSS!"
He was really cheerful, but unintelligible to anyone but me with the trucks and radios and Christmas greetings and whatnot. Santa, a 22 year old professional that looked awfully like the father of the famous Seeterlin Twins said just the right thing: "I'll make a special request for you!"
Mollified, Pete sank into Fire Truck Ecstasy while Santa passed out gifts for every kid and a big plate of baked goods for Kate. They even included a card signed by the entire company. Awesome. After a few hearty Merry Christmases they rolled out lights and sirens to the next act of corporal mercy. Brilliant. The visit left everyone beaming and happy. What a great thing to do for a sick kid! Thank you WPVFD!
We heard the trucks and commotion all the way over here! As we were looking out the window for the fire, I realized it must be a Santa run. WPVFD rocks! Maggie rocks!
Love the blog - thanks for sharing. Prayers and good wishes.
God Bless the WPVFD. Uncle Rob of the Geyserville VFD was very impressed.
Thank you WPVFD for helping such a great family with something so simple and so beautiful in this special time. Conklin crew are the best and so is our chemo fighter Maggie.
That is so excellent!!!! What a treat!
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